2013 Pallet Usage and Trending Survey

Each fall,  Modern Materials Handling conducts and publishes an annual pallet survey that provides valuable insight into current buying trends and usage patterns for our industry.  If you aren’t a subscriber to MMH, or you haven’t had time to read Bob Trebilcock’s Talking Pallets with Modern Readers, we have prepared a summary of key findings for […]

Online Retailing and the Future of Pallets

With the holiday shopping season just around the corner, economic forecasters are already trying to make sense of the numbers.  How will retailers fare this year?  Will consumer spending rise or fall when compared with last year’s numbers? When will 2012 retailer profit levels move from red to black?   Chaille Brindley’s recent article in Pallet […]

Five Keys to Optimal Pallet Design

Pallet Enterprise’s archived article titled “Balance Your Pallet Design” explains how optimal pallet performance is achieved by striking a balance between five interacting design considerations:  strength, stiffness, durability, functionality, and cost.  By focusing on the interaction between these variables and taking the time to consider specific product and distribution environments, logistics professionals and suppliers have […]

Clarifying IPPC- ISPM 15 Standards for Recycled Pallets

The ISPM-15 standard is designed to prevent the spread of insects and disease via overseas wood packaging materials such as crates, dunnage, and pallets.  The ISPM 15 logo stamp certifies that a wooden pallet has been manufactured using debarked lumber and heat treated or fumigated, making it free of insects and safe for export use.  […]

How Pallet Selection Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Logistics Costs

We have arrived at the dawn of a new age of pallet marketing where “less” is becoming a popular area of consideration for decision makers in the logistics and materials handling fields.  Although much of today’s promotional pallet literature still touts more – more size and material choices, greater strength, or increased resistance to mold […]

CHEP v. 9BLOC and the Case for Molded Presswood Pallets

Attempts by Wal-Mart, Costco, and other mass retailers to minimize product damage and create greater handling efficiencies have helped the block pallet supplant the stringer pallet in recent years.  Initially, the big box block pallet preference prompted many manufacturers to consider solutions from CHEP, a global leader in the pallet rental market, servicing over 300,000 […]

Reduce Shipping Costs and Go Green with Custom Boxes and Litco Pallets

A recent online survey conducted by Peerless Research Group for Packsize International cites reduced shipping costs as the primary concern of logistics and materials handling professionals seeking to improve operational efficiencies.  The study was based on findings from 521 logistics and materials handling managers responsible for the daily shipment of more than 2,000 packages from […]

Safer, Greener, Smarter Pallets: The Future is Now

Rick LeBlanc’s June article in Pallet Enterprise offers a thoughtful discussion of  issues and trends facing logistics professionals and pallet manufacturers.  From “smart pallets” to building a more sustainable supply chain, staying current with the latest trends in the logistics world has never been more important.

Building the Case for a Greener Supply Chain

David Biederman’s recent story in Journal of Commerce suggests the growing environmental logistics movement is more than just a corporate nod to sustainability.  Although sustainable logistics makes for good PR, companies such as Nike, Wal-Mart, Cisco Systems and Baxter International are also embracing a greener supply chain to improve bottom line.