Five Keys to Optimal Pallet Design

Pallet Enterprise’s archived article titled “Balance Your Pallet Design” explains how optimal pallet performance is achieved by striking a balance between five interacting design considerations:  strength, stiffness, durability, functionality, and cost.  By focusing on the interaction between these variables and taking the time to consider specific product and distribution environments, logistics professionals and suppliers have […]

Presswood versus Plastic Pallets

One popular misconception in the logistics world is that plastic pallets are inherently superior to wooden alternatives thanks to their (optional) nestable design and resistance to edge impact and infestation.  Their manufacture does not result in deforestation, and at the end of their useful life, plastic pallets can be converted to re-grind and used to […]

How Pallet Selection Can Reduce Your Carbon Footprint and Logistics Costs

We have arrived at the dawn of a new age of pallet marketing where “less” is becoming a popular area of consideration for decision makers in the logistics and materials handling fields.  Although much of today’s promotional pallet literature still touts more – more size and material choices, greater strength, or increased resistance to mold […]

CHEP v. 9BLOC and the Case for Molded Presswood Pallets

Attempts by Wal-Mart, Costco, and other mass retailers to minimize product damage and create greater handling efficiencies have helped the block pallet supplant the stringer pallet in recent years.  Initially, the big box block pallet preference prompted many manufacturers to consider solutions from CHEP, a global leader in the pallet rental market, servicing over 300,000 […]

Reduce Shipping Costs and Go Green with Custom Boxes and Litco Pallets

A recent online survey conducted by Peerless Research Group for Packsize International cites reduced shipping costs as the primary concern of logistics and materials handling professionals seeking to improve operational efficiencies.  The study was based on findings from 521 logistics and materials handling managers responsible for the daily shipment of more than 2,000 packages from […]