Lean and Green Export Ready Pallets Are Perfect Fit For Lincoln Electric

By partnering with Litco International, Lincoln Electric is meeting European export requirements, streamlining its pallet inventory, and receiving an added sustainability benefit too.  “In the past, our shipments to Europe were sometimes held up for inspection,” says Tom Soster, manufacturing engineering manager for Cleveland-based manufacturer of arc welding machines and consummables. “Now, the presswood pallets […]

Looking Ahead to ISPM-15: Pallet Companies Provide a Unique Perspective

A recent article by Bob Johnson in Produce Business demonstrates how pallet companies can offer a surprising amount of insight into all aspects of industrial packaging and shipping, beyond their traditional roles of product protection and damage prevention. Their knowledge and experience with all points along the supply chain — from production, processing, and logistics […]

Wooden Export Pallets: Canada Prepares for Treated Shipping Pallets

Article from Modern Materials Handling suggests bi-lateral exemption on treated pallets may be ending in 2014. An interesting story recently came out in MMH reflecting a potentially longer timeline than previously thought on required compliance with international shipping regulations regarding treatment of wood products used for shipping between USA and Canada. Bob Trebilcock, editor at […]